Where can I volunteer on a Sunday?

Back at the beginning of the year we felt God was nudging us its time to CREATE SPACE FOR HEALTHY GROWTH, by heading back to 2 morning meetings. We are so excited to be hosting new people every week and having hosted nearer 800 on Easter Day alone we know we need to give ourselves space to grow across adult, youth, and children’s spaces—and yes, create some space in the car park!

How are we going to do this?

  1. Move to two, meetings 9:30 & 11:30am in September. September is best as it gives us time to recruit, train and get DBSs back for all the new team members we’ll need to make two meetings happen.

  2. We are going to encourage the majority of teams to sign up to serve at one of our meetings, either at the 9:30 or 11:30, in a 1:4 week pattern — that is serve 1 on, 3 off) - therefore, NO ONE is going to become overwhelmed or burnt out and everyone has a chance to give, as well as receive on a Sunday.

  3. The next two Sundays we will have a BIG ‘Sign Up To Serve’ board in the foyer with outlines of people, one for each role we need filling. We want you to have a read and a pray through the options and decide where you can get involved. On the Sunday we’ll ask you to sign up digitally via your phone or on our computers in the reception area and add your ‘avatar’ (sticker person) to the board.

To grow healthily, we will not open up ministry groups until we know we have enough people in the right teams and they've been trained up and empowered, so the sooner we have a full board, the quicker we can get teams up and running for September.

Which team to join?

We have some ideas for you ….

Kerith Kids Team

The Kerith Kids Team is made up of volunteers of all ages who have a passion for children to experience God's love.

While parents experience their worship service, children participate in exciting and active environments filled with worship, Bible teaching, and small groups. We have all kinds of roles available, including; administrative, child facing, building operations, Kids+ team (working with children with additional needs), and so much more!

Find out more on our team roles page of the website.

Kerith Youth Team

Our 11-18s meet up on Sundays during the morning meetings as well as gathering for a storming programme of events on a Friday night on our mainland sites. On a Sunday, we have a team over 18s that support the 3 groups that run on Sundays :Years 7-8 (11-13 year olds) Years 9-10 (13-15 year olds) and Years 11 and upwards ( 16+). You can choose your age group and choose whether you’d like to take a teaching role or be part of the team that’s helping to facilitate the conversation times, playing games and supporting the young people on their faith journeys.


There is an army of volunteers making a Sunday meeting happen—this is a great team to join if you are new to the church community and want to meet others. From helping people park their cars, to serving refreshments, welcoming people as they arrive, and directing them to a seat.

Take a look at all the options via the button below.

Production Team

We have brilliantly creative volunteers at Kerith who support our Sunday Experience and are key to leading us into God’s presence on a Sunday as well as our midweek events and conferences. Training is provided, so we’d love to chat with you whatever your background in these areas.

Worship Team Roles

We have brilliantly creative volunteers at Kerith who support our Sunday Experience and are key to leading us into God’s presence on a Sunday as well as our midweek events and conferences. We have a longer onboarding process for worship so it’s not a given that you will be accepted, but we’d love to chat with you, whatever your background in music so sign up to start off the conversation.

Hopefully, this has given you a taster of which teams you could join. Be ready with your decision to being to our ‘Sign Up To Serve’ board in the foyer over the next 2 weeks!


Creating space has begun!


Save the date - Kerith Bracknell Women’s Event