Useful Information


All our sites have a similar feel so if you’ve been to a Kerith Sunday you’ll know what the vibe is. If this is your first time, then you can expect a warm welcome and hot beverages before the meeting. We start with music from our house band then hear a talk by one of our pastors that connects the message of the gospel with our daily lives. Afterwards there’s loads of time to chat and get to know one another!

  • You can find us at 6 Invincible Road, Farnborough, GU14 7QU.

  • We have a car park with 22 spaces at the venue. The council have asked that we use all spaces in the car park before parking on Invincible Road. Please drive to the venue and look out for our car parkers who will direct you into the car park, or advise you to use the turning circle and park along the road.

    There are also other car parks nearby.

  • We currently have one meeting on a Sunday that starts at 10am and finishes by 11:20am.

  • Disabled parking is available in the car park. We have a disabled toilet available on the ground level.

    Our desire is to have within our Kerith Kids Team have a Kids + Team for children with additional needs, contact for more information

  • Our baby facilities are a work in progress. We have a space set aside with baby changing facilities, chairs for nursing babies and toys for restless toddlers in our Kids Check in area.

  • We have fun-filled, age-appropriate groups for all children up to Year 6. Check-in opens 10 minutes before the meetings begin, giving you plenty of time to get them checked in.

    Age 0-3 is our BOUNCE group who meet in the downstairs kids’ room (to the right as you walk in the main entrance).

    Ages 4 - 8 (school Year 3) meet in our RUN group - Head up the stairs located in the auditorium. and it’s the first room you come to. On some weeks our RUN aged children stay for sung worship - check the chalkboard sign in Kids check in area for the weekly instruction!

    Age 9 -11 (school Year 4- Year 6) - This group always stays in for worship first, but then after this they can head up the auditorium stairs and it’s the room at the end of the corridor. We are still building up our SPRINT team rota - so some weeks they join with RUN in their room.

  • Our Sunday s our Youth group is called ‘Unleashed’ and is for Year 7 and over. The Youth stay in the meeting for the first 20-30 minutes of the adult meeting for sung worship, and the host will announce from the platform when is time for them to head to Unleashed in The Hub, to the right of our coffee bar. Email for more info on Kerith Farnborough Youth Work.

  • We serve FREE self-service fair trade coffee and a selection of teas throughout our meetings. We encourage you to bring a cup to save the planet but have free decompostable cups too.

  • We have managed to resurrect the original heating in the building which is a miracle in itself (!) but it isn’t the most effective of systems. The children’s rooms all have working radiators and heat to an appropriate temperature, but the auditorium gets very cold so do wear layers in the winter months.

  • There are several out of bounds areas that are not safe and should not be accessed whilst we continue a renovation project in the building. Please keep an eye on your children before and after the meetings that they are not going in the signposted areas. We endeavour to provide designated first aiders on site who can be contacted from the red info point near the main entrance.

  • We want our meetings to be our gift to you so although there is a giving station with QR Codes for online or envelopes for gift aiding cash/cheque payments we always remind our guests that there is no pressure to give financially into the life of the church.

Visit Us

Caroline House,
6 Invincible Rd, Farnborough
GU14 7QU.

Sundays: 10-11am

01344 862699


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