Building fund and next steps

You may remember that earlier in November we held a gift day to give to our building fund at Farnborough.

We are excited to push forward in the renovations to our building to convert the space into a permanent home for us to reach out to our community. We’re so pleased to let you know that we gave £19,492 towards this building fund, which is added to the £33,557 that was already in the fund. 

This will fund the next steps of the project which will consist of completing some scans and surveys for the building in preparation for the building work. So, what will these scans and surveys be?

  • A topographical survey – This will very precisely identify the varying levels of complexity of the land we own; drainage, vegetation, water channels, ground height, contours, surfaces, street furniture etc.

  • A 3D build scan – This work will provide us with a highly detailed plan of all the measurements of the existing building, which architechts and designers will use in their work.

  • An updated traffic survey - Undertaking a traffic survey will enable us to pre-empt any impact on traffic congestion and parking in the area that people using the building may have, and to propose effective solutions for these.

The money will also enable us to appoint an architect to complete a feasibility study and concept design for the space. The feasibility study will help us to hone our thinking in terms of what is realistic in terms of the spaces we want, the level of quality we are planning for, the level of sustainability we aspire to, and what our budget will be. This will result in a more detailed brief. The concept design will then take our refined brief and the architects will start to work on a design that meets the requirements of the brief and includes a cost plan for the build, providing us with a “first draft” of what the building could look like.

These are some key projects that are going to put us in a strong starting position for the development of the building, and we are only able to start the work because of the generosity of our congregation. We so grateful for everybody who gave into this, whether a little or a lot - thank you.

As the work continues, you will be hearing more about what is happening so keep an eye on updates here on the blog. Our building fund is always open to give to, whether one-off gifts or maybe you'd like to set up a regular gift. Head to the building fund giving page and follow the instructions there.


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