We are so blessed to be part of a community where generosity is one of our core values. Every week I hear stories of generosity lived out, through people giving of their finances, their time, their skills and their possessions, to benefit others.

This winter we have launched a coat exhange. The weather is getting colder and with the rising cost of living over the past year or two, we don’t want anyone going without a warm coat this season. Many of us have coats hanging up in our cupboards and wardrobes that are no longer worn. Why not donate them this winter, so someone else can feel warm? Not only will you be saving someone money - you’ll also be saving the planet, in reusing your coat for the purpose it was made for!

Please only donate coats that are in good condition - and please give them a wash before you donate them! If you're in need of a coat yourself, or for a family member, feel free to take one from the rail - you don't have to have donated one, to take one.

We also we ask that you limit this to coats only - we aren't accepting other items of clothing or bedding. Please donate those to your local charity shop instead!

We are also still welcoming donations for our ‘no questions asked’ food bags - again, like with the coats, this is available both to donate to and also to receive from, if you are in need of one yourself.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to remind you about our Cost of Living Fund, that we launched back autumn 2022. Here are Sarah and Catrina explaining more about it when we launched it back then.

There are times when we are each able to support others - and times when it’s our turn to receive the support others want to give to us. People from our community have given to this fund to bless those who are stuggling with paying for things like the weekly food shop, or rising costs of bills. If you are in financial need this winter, we’d love to be able to bless you. Usually this would be with providing you with supermarket vouchers, to offset the costs you are facing. However if you have other needs, we can chat about the best support available. Please complete this form and someone will be in touch.

Lastly, thank you to all those who regularly give financially into the life of the church. You may have noticed our screen hasn’t been working the past couple of Sundays, so we haven’t been able to share the monthly finance update with you all in our meetings. We love to be transparent about how we’re doing financially as a church, so here is Ben Oliver, one of our Elders and our Executive Pastor, with the finance update from October.

Let’s continue to look for ways we can bless others, and to be open to others blessing us!


Faith as small as a mustard seed, can move mountains!


Building and Reaching!