Giftdays for Kerith Farnborough

Over the last two weeks, we’ve had online gift days across all of our sites to help fund the redevelopment of our buildings in Farnborough and Windsor.

We are looking to raise £350,000 for stage one of the redevelopment of the Farnborough building. This will be enough to get the building ready for us to meet in on a Sunday and midweek. In Windsor we are looking to raise £100,000 to allow us to install heating in the building, fit smart TVs in the children's rooms and remodel the entrance.

So please be thinking and praying about what to give. You can give to the Farnborough fund here and the Windsor fund here. For both funds you can give a one off gift, pledge to give a regular amount, or do both. Thank you so much.


Summer Sanctuary


We’re hiring! Farnborough Site-Co-ordinator