Our Team

Are you looking to for a job that combines your love for God and heart for your community? Take a look at the roles on offer at Kerith Community Church.

The Eldership Team are ultimately responsible for everything that we do at Kerith Community Church, although we’re mainly volunteers without much involvement in the day-to-day running. Our contribution tends to be focussed on the bigger-picture decisions we need that release other teams to fulfil their roles. That could include our theology & doctrine (how we understand the Bible and apply it to real life); our Vision (what God is calling us to become and how we’re building towards that); and our Pastoral Care (how we are looking after our people). Our regular pattern is to meet monthly to eat together, pray and work through these things together.

Image of people talking at kerith community church

Are you a school leaver?
Have you looked into our Young Leader Internship Programme?

Find out more….

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