Hanging the Curtains

It’s been a busy week in the Farnborough building this last week. Our auditorium space has been transformed! The drapes are now all in and structure built ready to support the screen.

Tony Pounce from our Bracknell site has been in the building laying carpet in the kids spaces so they will be ready for our children to use. Our toilets are now screened off from the auditorium as the dividing wall has been finished, and some designs for signage have also been made ready to hang on the outside of the building.

Dates for your diaries

 Upcoming Work Parties

  • Wednesday Daytimes// 3rd, 10th Nov, 17th Nov// 10am-12.30pm// 1.30-4pm

  • Thursday Evenings // 4th Nov, 11th Nov, 18th Nov // 7.30-9.30pm

  • Sunday Afternoons // 7th, 14th, 21st Nov // 2-4.30PM

Farnborough Building Prayer Meeting – 7th November // 7-7.45pm

Our First Sunday Gathering (planning dependent) – Sunday 5th December // 10am


Want to help get our building ready for opening?


Prayer Meetings & Production