Simon Benham’s Blog

Hello, and thanks for making it to my blog. My name is Simon and I am the Senior Pastor here at Kerith Community Church.

This blog is a place for me to share thoughts on pretty much anything which takes my interest. This will often be related to things happening in our church community or life lessons I am in the process of learning. It could also be reflections on current world events, reviews of books I am reading or commentary on how well Newcastle United are doing in the league! You just never know what you're going to get...

I hope you find this blog interesting and insightful. If you have any ideas on topics you'd like me to write about, then please email me and I’ll see what I can do. Also, if you’d like to get these blogs sent straight to your email inbox, you can subscribe using the button below.

Happy reading,


Does life have a purpose?

Does life have a purpose?

I grew up with a dad who was, and is to this day, an atheist. There was never any talk in our home of God, or even the possibility that there might be a God. Religion was for the weak and feeble minded – science could explain everything. My dad trained and worked as a biologist, so Darwin’s theory of the survival of the fittest went unchallenged as the principle by which the world operated.

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Asbury & Wildfires

Asbury & Wildfires

Many of you will have heard about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit which started at Asbury University in Kentucky in the United States, and now seems to be spreading around the world. We know how desperately our nation, us included, needs a powerful move of God, and I know that many of us are hoping and praying that this is the start of such a move.

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