Goodbye to Gordon and Gail

Catrina and I said goodbye to Gordon and Gail MacDonald this afternoon. They're catching a train tomorrow morning to go up to London where they'll be met by Graeme Paris, who heads up Willow Creek UK, ready to go off to do a seminar for Willow Creek in Norwich. I won't be there to wave them off at the station as BenD is picking me up at 7am in the morning to go off to Newfrontiers Prayer and Fasting in Peterborough - those of you who know that I'm not a morning person will know what a sacrifice that is going to be for me :-)

It's been such a privilege to have Gordon and Gail with us over the weekend. I thought Gordon was magnificent at the Men's Day on Saturday - so much insight and wisdom on what it means to be men in the 21st Century. For us to look to build genuine relationships within the men in the church, to be willing to share our lives with one another and for us to seek to do well in every area of life.

Then on Sunday they took the whole conversation Catrina and I have been having over the last two Sunday mornings to another level in terms of their honesty and insight. Their Sunday talks should be up on the website very soon so try and take time to listen to them if you can.

As we spent a final bit of time with them today they were so complimentary and affirming of our church and our people. They commented on many things including the warmth of the welcome, the freedom and joy in the worship, people's honesty and openness, the way Ben and I are modelling succession, the quality of our leadership team and many other aspects of what we are doing as a community. It's always encouraging to spend time with leaders of the stature of Gordon and Gail who despite all the amazing things they have seen and experienced are still so excited by what God is doing in and through us.

Finally we still need more questions for Sunday morning. They can be on any aspect of relationships so if you have a question please either leave a comment here on the blog or email it into the office.

Have a great week,


Prayer and Fasting


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