Kerith Community Church - One Day In

Well this Sunday just gone we officially became Kerith Community Church, after 18 years as Bracknell Family Church. It was great to see the welcomers and the technical teams in their new shirts and the car parkers in their new fluorescent jackets. The new look bulletin is a good step forward too. There are still some more changes to come, with the completely redesigned website close to completion but not quite close enough to be set loose yet (hopefully in the next few weeks), and a whole load of external signage which will follow on later in the year. If you missed it you can hear my sermon from Sunday morning here, although unfortunately the excellent Kerith brook drama, complete with scary ravens, and the Vox Pops of people in the town being interviewed about what Kerith meant to them aren't available anywhere.

I'm so grateful to everyone who has put so much effort into making this next chapter in our history as a church happen. I'm not going to name names as I'll inevitably miss somebody, but just let it be known that hours and hours of work have gone on, and are still going on, to make both our transition to being a charity in our own right and our having a new name possible. In some ways nothing of any substance has changed. Our passion for Jesus and to see his kingdom come and his will be done remain the same, our vision to grow more like Jesus both personally and as a community is unaltered, and our longing to have genuine and growing impact locally, nationally and internationally is undiminished. The name change really just reflects our desire to take that pursuit to another level, and to start another chapter in the ongoing story of our church. I'm so looking forward to what the future holds for us all.

After a week of prayer and fasting and then all of the excitement of the weekend I feel exhausted but very pleased with how it all went. Hope you had a good weekend too.


New Hillsong Album - This is Our God


Tired but Encouraged!