A Week of Prayer and Fasting

Tonight we start our second week of Prayer and Fasting in 2008. We've got so much to thank God for, to bring to God in prayer and to listen to his prophetic voice on. As in previous weeks we'll be starting each evening without any specific agenda (except for Thursday night when we're joining with other churches in the town to pray for Hope08) but will begin each evening in worship and then see where God takes us. Then from 8am on Friday 'til 8am on Saturday we'll join for 24 hours of prayer, split into one hour slots with a specific topic and leader for each slot.

Please plan to come for as much as the week as you can. Come ready to worship, come ready to share what you sense God is saying to you and come ready to do the hard work of asking God to break in. Can I ask you to consider fasting as well. I'm planning on fasting the whole week and had a great time at lunchtime walking round the lake next to where I work, talking to God about tonight, and sharing some of what is going on in church with one of the guys I work with who I met half way round the lake! If you can fast the whole week then please do, but if not consider skipping at least one meal a day and using the time you free up to talk to God.

I'm still buzzing with much of what Mark Driscoll said at the Brighton Conference last week and felt God spoke into a number of areas where we need to accelerate our expansion plans. I'm really hoping God is going to speak into some of those this week.

During the last week of Prayer and Fasting we had some great problems with car parking - don't forget we've got the surgery as well as the K2 and Kerith Centre car parks all week with the addition of Avis on Thursday. If parking does get interesting then just thank God that we're struggling with issues like that and make sure you abandon your car somewhere legal!

Hope to see you several times this week!


Link to Newfrontiers Leaders Conference Talks


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