Sunday - Somebody Tell Somebody
This Sunday Liam Parker is doing the next in our series based on his book on evangelism "Somebody Tell Somebody".
He's asked me whether we can do an interview where we'll ask each other questions about how we can share our faith more effectively. I've certainly got some very amusing stories of mistakes I've made! Liam and I have very different styles of personal evangelism, so hopefully it will help us see how we can each be true to how God has made us as we seek to talk to others about God.
We will also be giving out all the dates for our various Christmas events on Sunday. One of the most effective ways of sharing our faith, and one used by many of the early followers of Jesus, is to invite people to come and hear about Jesus. Christmas is a great time to be doing that. Please pick up some postcards to use as you invite family, friends and neighbours to the different things which we've got planned.
We'll also be sharing communion together at all four meetings.
It should be another inspiring Sunday. Hope to see you there :)