We Can't Stay Here
Sunday is the final gift day (for this year at least) for the launch of our Kerith Vision Fund. The goal is to raise £200,000 in order to allow us to provide more space at our Bracknell, Sandhurst and Windsor sites (more details here and here).
If I'm honest leading the charge in raising money is one of the least favourite parts of my role. However, I willingly do it because I have such a deep conviction that we can't stay where we are. For me not having space for our church to grow is not an option, and on all three of our sites we need more space.
- Kerith Bracknell needs more space to allow us to grow on Sundays, in midweek activities and in the size of the staff team. It's going to be at least two years until any we'll be in a place to start building, so we need to start planning and paying for that building now! The first step in this is to pay off the mortgage on the house behind K2.
- Kerith Sandhurst needs space to grow midweek, allowing us to do social justice, small groups, parent and toddler groups, prayer meetings and much more.
- Kerith WIndsor will soon need a Sunday venue.
All of us benefit from the previous generations who gave their money to build the facilities we enjoy today. It's now our time to do the same for the next generation.
So please join me in the adventure. Whether you can be one of the ten people we're looking for to give £10,000, or if you're only able to give a much smaller amount, please come and play your part in helping us invest in the future of our church.
If you're around on Sunday you can give using the giving envelopes, which we'll properly give people time to fill in. Otherwise you can give online, via Church App if you've got that on your smartphone or tablet, or via a bank transfer using the bank details here (if you do that please be sure to indicate that it's for the vision fund). Please also fill out the appropriate Gift Aid declaration if you haven't already done that for your giving to Kerith, this allows us to claim back £25 on every £100 given.
We'll announce the Vision Fund total on Sunday 13th November, so please get your gift in as early as possible to make sure it gets included in the total.
A huge thank you in advance to everyone who gives. You are such an encouragement to me, and to everyone else in our community.
Much love,