Final (hopefully) Vision Fund Gift Days
Over the next two Sundays (18th and 25th October) we are going to be holding what will hopefully be our final Vision Fund gift days.
As you can see from the chart above the Vision Fund has allowed us to achieve a huge amount over the last few years. This has included:
- paying off the mortgage on the K2 house to set us debt free
- moving our BV site to the Village Hotel in Farnborough
- setting up and staffing our Windsor and West Wight sites
- buying new equipment for all of our sites
- making building improvements on our Bracknell site
- giving away over £70,000 to other churches and organisations
The elders and trustees feel that now is the right time to bring the vision fund to an end. To do that we need to raise another £100,000. This is primarily to cover all the running costs for Windsor and West Wight for the rest of 2020 and the early part of 2021, at which point those costs will be funded from our general giving.
Catrina and I had the privilege of being in West Wight last week, during which we were able to meet with a number of the key people who are now part of the site there. It is so exciting to see what God has already built in a relatively short period of time, the future there is very bright. Things in Windsor are similarly exciting, especially with God opening a door for us to rent the warehouse we previously only had access to on a Sunday (keep praying for that change of use!).
I realise that these are incredibly uncertain times economically and that some in our community will feel unable to give for a whole variety of reasons. If that is you then please feel under no pressure to give, and also feel no anxiety or shame. We love you, God loves you, and neither of those are dependant on your ability to give! However, there will also be a group of us who feel stirred and able to give and invest into God's kingdom in this way at this time. If that is you please give cheerfully, generously and in full confidence in God and his ability to provide.
For those who do feel called to give the easiest way to do it is online. You can find all the details on our website, choosing 'Kerith Vision Fund' as the thing you are giving to.
Finally to say a huge thank you to everyone who through this season of Covid has continued to give financially into the life of our church. The generosity of our community never ceases to amaze me, never more so than in this season where we haven't been able to meet physically but people have continued to invest in the Kingdom of God through their giving to Kerith. Thank you.