
In the ‘Balance’ series each week we will explore different pairings of Theological truths and practices, finding harmony in the tensions of faith, and embracing both sides of each concept to live a beautifully balanced life of devotion to Christ.

What’s this Sunday series about?

In our new series, Balance, we explore the dynamic tensions within faith and church life, where we're called not to choose between extremes, but to embrace the fullness of both. From ‘Grace and Truth to ‘Hungry and Healthy’, we’ll be exploring these paradoxes and how God calls us to hold both—living in that beautiful balance of “both/and” rather than “either/or.

Listen to the latest site message from the
Balance Series

Watch the Balance Video Series below - a collection of conversations released throughout the coming weeks, based on the topics explored in the Sunday messages at each of the Kerith sites. At the bottom of the page, you'll also find a link to a playlist for the Kerith Kids TV episodes related to this series, which will be released weekly.


Culturally Engaged & Counter-Cultural

Stay bright, step into the shadows, and transform the world through counter-cultural living.

We must stay bright and step into the shadows to shine in the darkness. Explore how challenging societal norms and living faithfully, like Daniel in Babylon, can transform the world around you. Be inspired to make a meaningful impact by living counter-culturally in your own context.


Hungry & Healthy

Passion for God's work flows from time spent in His presence.

Join us as we dive into Luke 9:51-56, where Jesus teaches that our passion to act for God must come from time spent with Him. We'll explore how being "hungry" for God's work and "healthy" in His presence go hand in hand. We'll learn to better align our actions with God's will through reflection and humour. Let’s take time together to listen to His voice.


Gathered & Scattered

Gather to be equipped, scatter to shine for Jesus on your frontline.

Gather to encounter Jesus and be equipped, and scatter to represent Him throughout the week. Your primary calling is on your frontline—whether at work, in your community, or at home—but you can't do it alone. We gather to encourage, fuel, and support one another, so we can shine as the world's light wherever we are.


Grace & Truth

Transform lives with Jesus’ grace and truth: belong before you believe.

Discover how Jesus' grace and truth transform lives as we explore Zacchaeus' story in Luke 19. Learn how to build a community where people belong before they believe, and see how grace and truth work together to create genuine change. Dive into this compelling discussion on nurturing a Jesus-centered culture in our church and our lives.


Evangelism & Justice

Balance evangelism and social justice: preach the gospel and champion the vulnerable.

Join the discussion on the balance between evangelism and social justice, exploring why we don’t have to choose one over the other. Discover how Jesus calls us to both preach the gospel and stand up for the vulnerable. With real-life examples and powerful biblical insights, we’ll dive into how the church can be a force for justice while sharing the love of Christ. Don't miss this eye-opening conversation on living out faith through both word and action.


Charismatic & Contemplative

Spirit on Fire, Soul at Peace.


Word & Spirit

Grounded in the Word, Guided by the Spirit.


Diversity & Unity

Many Voices, One Heart.

Kerith Kids TV

Our Kids' groups will be engaging with this sermon series through tailored teachings designed for their age groups. We’ve created a playlist where you can find the Kerith Kids TV episodes for the Balance series, which will be released every Sunday at 9am.