Decision Made, Life Changed
Our baptism Sundays are one of the most exciting events in our calendar. It’s always amazing to hear the stories of how God has moved in people’s lives. How people far from God have discovered what it means to have a relationship with him.
Baptism is a public demonstration of the change that has taken place in our lives when we become a Christian. Total immersion in water symbolises dying to our old life, having our sins washed away by Jesus, and then rising into the new life that Jesus gives.
Baptism meetings are the time to come and hear the amazing testimonies of personal journeys of faith towards the point of baptism and then to witness the baptisms in our auditorium.
If you are a Christian and you’re interested in getting baptised then you can contact us via the sign-up form below.
A team member from your site will get back to you to confirm arrangements, and let you know the date of the baptism preparation gathering.
Kerith Kids Baptism Guide
At Kerith we believe children can decide if they want Jesus to be their forever friend and we use the ABC prayer to help them in this (*then obvs pls include the prayer*). They may also then choose to get baptised, as a public declaration of the decision they’ve made.
We’ve put together this baptism guide for children to help them prepare for baptism, which you can read and download below. The Kids Coordinator in your Site would speak to both you and your child and work through this guide together, prior to a child being baptised.
Please do reach out to your Kids’ Coordinator if your child is interested in baptism.
Baptism Inquiry
Not quite sure if you’re ready to get baptised and you want to find out more? Fill in this form and let us know what site you’re attending. A member of our team will be in contact to answer any questions you might have.