Early Intervention

Supporting local primary aged children

Every day across the UK, thousands of children are absent from school. Each year there are 37,000 exclusions from primary school.

Transforming Lives

We partner with national education charity TLG (Transforming Lives for Good) to support local primary aged children who are struggling with the social, behavioural or emotional difficulties that lie behind these statistics.


Our team

We have a team of volunteer Coaches who are trained to work with local schools and support the children and their families.

Need help?

If you have a primary aged school child in your family that is struggling then please contact us and we can look to help partner with you and your school.

More information

To find out more about TLG and this programme visit their website at www.tlg.org.uk.

Contact us

To find out more about getting involved in volunteering as a coach or any other information on TLG please complete this form & we’ll get back to you.