Easter in Bracknell

You are invited to join us in Bracknell this Easter for a collection of services and celebrations - there is something for everyone.

Good Friday

Parish of Bracknell Churches Together Walk - Friday 29th March from 10:30 am

The Churches in Bracknell are coming together on Good Friday, with an event meeting at 10:00 am in Holy Trinity Church. From 10.30 am we will be taking a Walk of Witness, through the Bracknell town centre. From 11.30 Town centre chaplains will be present in union Square having conversations. If you’d like to find out more about this ministry, please come down and have a conversation. 

For more info email towncentremission@bracknell-parish.org

Good Friday Service - Friday 29th March, 7:30 pm-9:00 pm

Join us as we take time to reflect on all that Jesus has done on the cross. Why does it matter and what does it mean for us?

There will be a time of worship, encounter, communion, Bible readings and a short message to help us focus our attention on the true meaning of Easter.

Half Night of Prayer - Friday 29th March, 9:30 pm-midnight

As Good Friday is such an important moment in the church calendar, we want to maximise our time seeking Jesus after the Good Friday service.

We'll be continuing to pray and seek God together in the Kerith Centre auditorium. We'll focus on themes around the message of the Cross as we intercede for the church, the community and the church. 

Family Easter Events

Family Easter Trail – Friday 29th March, 3:00 pm-5:00 pm

A fun, reflective and interactive journey for ages young and old to experience the Easter Bible story.

Crafts, Easter activities and hot cross buns will be served too!

This is a free event but you will need to book a ticket in advance. To stagger the event tickets will be booked as a timed entry in 15-minute slots. The trail will last roughly 1 hour but you are welcome to go around at your own pace.

Easter Sunday

Sunday 31st March

You are invited to celebrate with us on Easter Sunday as we meet together and explore the meaning of Easter. It’ll be a time of worship, fun, and a short message.

We will be having two meetings this Easter Sunday, all ages will be all together for both of these services (with no kids groups taking place):

9:30 am-10:30 am
11:30 am-12:30 pm

At both meetings, we will be hosting Baptisms! If you’d like to know more about that and sign up, head to our Baptism page.

Why Easter?

  • We celebrate Easter because we are celebrating the death of Jesus for our Sin and His magnificent resurrection from the tomb! We are celebrating Jesus as the Son of God. With Him being risen from the dead, it means that He’s living and thus preparing a special place in Heaven for all of his believers. Others may celebrate the true cause while also celebrating a reason to get together as a family, honouring Him with their own traditions and rejoicing in the Lord.

  • Although it remains unclear where Easter got its name, some argue that it has to do with the pagan goddess of Spring, Eostre, who was believed to be worshipped by the Saxons before Jesus was born. Others suggest it has more to do with a derivative of the word “erstehen,” an older form of the word “auferstehen” which is a German word for “Resurrection.”

  • There are various important reasons why the death and resurrection of Jesus is so important:

    Jesus’ death replays the story of Adam and Eve except Jesus is successful over Sin through His obedience in dying on the cross.

    Jesus’ death satisfies the adoration we could not fully give to God.

    Jesus’ death took on the debt that we owed because of the wrong things we do.

    Jesus’ death and resurrection is a triumph over evil and the devil.

    Jesus’ lived a pure, blameless, sinless life and therefore sets the example for us to live by.

    Jesus died as our representative and substitute, and takes away the penalty meant for us.


  • The Kerith Centre, Church Rd, Bracknell, RG12 1EH

    The K2 building is located across the car park of the Kerith Centre.

  • Yes, and it’s free! You can park at the Bracknell & Wokingham college car park. Bracknell & Wokingham College, Church Rd, Bracknell RG12 1DJ

  • If you’d like to help make any of these events happen, please contact sarah.cooper@kerith.church. Sarah will help get you onto a serving team.

  • Throughout the year, we meet every Sunday at 10:00 am. Find out more about us here.

Our Easter 2024 playlist

These songs celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and remind us of the hope and victory we have because of His sacrifice and triumph over death.

These songs celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and remind us of the hope and victory we have because of His sacrifice and triumph over death.