You may remember that over February and March we had two Gift Days to raise money for our Farnborough and Windsor Building Funds. to renovate our buildings to make them fit for purpose for the variety of ministry and work we’d love to do at both sites.

Farnborough Building Fund

Before we even launched the Gift Days this year, people had already been generously giving their money. Between our last Gift Days in August 2021, and these ones in February 2022, through people giving regularly to the building fund and as one-off gifts, our community gave £26,396 (including Gift Aid). This money enabled us to complete vital works such as replacing windows in toilets, installing a new alarm and fire system and replacing the boiler in the building.

For these last gift days, we wanted to raise £50,000 to create an extra lounge for our Revive projects and Youth on a Sunday, an office space so the team can work midweek in the building, and renovate the serving area to make it more hospitable.

I am so thrilled to let you know that during February & March, including anticipated Gift Aid, we received £55,011 for our Farnborough building.

Windsor Building Fund

For Windsor, our church community has been equally generous. Between the last Gift Days and these ones, £8,042 was given. And during the Feb & March Gift Days, including anticipated Gift Aid, we received £28,469 towards the Windsor building.

Thank you!

A huge thank you to every person who invested their finances in this way - I’m so grateful for the faithfulness of our community and am constantly surprised and inspired by God’s provision (particularly when we didn’t actually get to meet on one of our Gift Day Sundays due to flooding!) It’s going to be wonderful to see the lives that are going to be changed in the spaces we are going to be able to create with this money. 

Similarly, it’s not just those who access the building that this money will impact. We’re committing to give 10% of money coming in to organisations that are supporting the relief effort in Ukraine. Your generosity will bring home beyond the borders of our local area.

Two Considerations

Off the back of sharing this news, there are two things I’d love for you to consider about your giving:

  1. Gift Aid - as you can see from these figures, Gift Aid is included and it makes a huge difference! – If you are a tax payer, for every £1 you give, we can claim an additional from the government 25p for every £1 you give, so does not cost you anything more but the church receives more.

  2. Give Regularly - as you can see from the figures, a significant amount came in via regular giving early this year. This is because some people are already choosing to give regularly into these funds. Maybe you could too?

Head to the giving page of the website to find out about giving regularly (whether to the regular Church fund or a Building Fund) and to maximise your giving through Gift Aid.


New Kids Coordinator


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