Gift Days: 27th Feb & 6th Mar

To watch a video update on the latest in the Farnborough building project, go to

After a fantastic term pouring our time and finance into the first phase of the building project to get the building into a condition that we can meet in, many of you will be wondering “now that we’re in, what’s next?”

Here’s how we are approaching the project:

1. Our Long Term Plan

We want to begin to imagine what our ultimate dream for the building is and draw plans that we’ll be working towards in the long run. These are much more significant in scale (such as getting a new roof, relocating the entrance to the other end of the building, moving staircases, inputting heating etc.) We’ll work with our community and key leaders to pray for and define the spaces that we think we’ll need in the building and begin to work out costings and timescales. If you have ideas for the building, do catch me on a Sunday or email me and I can bring them to the team.


2. Our Short Term Plan

Whilst we might not know what the final building will look like, we feel God has given us the “next place to put our foot” and have identified some simple and immediate projects that we would like to see completed in the next 6 months that will help us create space for more ministry and improve the quality of it in Farnborough.

These include:

  • Creating a multifunctional lounge where the remaining soft play is to the left of the current entrance. This will allow Revive to have space midweek to gather their groups, Youth to run every Sunday, Small Groups a place in the building to run courses.

  • Renovating the entrance hall and the coffee bar. These spaces are still very “raw” and we’d love for them to be more welcoming and comfortable.

  • Creating some offices and pastoral rooms for our Farnborough based team to work midweek. Currently, the team are perching on production desks and kids sized tables! We’d love to have more of a presence midweek to meet with our community.

  • Furnishing the kids’ spaces - We’d love to kit out our kids’ areas beyond the basics adding a door & radiator covers to the Bounce room, adding storage and improving our baby-changing and feeding parent facilities.


In order to make these happen, we’re looking to raise £50,000 in some gift days on Sunday 27th February & Sunday 6th March. This is a step of faith for us as a recently “revamped” and new church community, but I want to remind you that we have a heritage as a church as being a people of generosity, and a legacy of knowing God’s provision for our community.

You can give through the giving page on the Kerith website and if you are a UK taxpayer, the Government’s Gift Aid programme enables you to boost the value of your donations by 25p for every £1 given.

As we “rebuild the temple”, these next few years are going to be an incredibly exciting and faith-filled time for us a church family. Let’s seize this opportunity to do something significant in the coming weeks and months as we give and let’s believe that we will see him do “far more abundantly than all that we ask or think” and “to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever.  Amen.”  (Ephesians 3:20-21).


Get Baptised at Farnborough: 13 March


Building Prayer Muscles