Going deeper - with baptisms and small groups.

We are looking forward to our next baptism Sunday at some of our Kerith sites on Sunday 11 September. At the moment we don't have anyone lined up for baptism in Farnborough, but if you'd like to take that step then this could be for you.

Baptism is for those who follow Jesus and is a symbol of our new life as Christians. The waters aren’t magical, but they are symbolic. Being immersed under the water represents our identification with Jesus’ death and burial showing the death of our old way of living. When we’re lifted from the water, we identify with Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. We’re raised to new life washed clean from the power of sin, a new creation partnering with God.

“Going under the water was a burial of your old life; coming up out of it was a resurrection, God raising you from the dead as he did Christ. When you were stuck in your old sin-dead life, you were incapable of responding to God. God brought you alive – right along with Christ! Think of it! All sins forgiven, the slate wiped clean, that old arrest warrant cancelled and nailed to Christ’s cross.” Colossians 2:12-14 MSG

If you have already chosen to follow Jesus, the next step is to “go public”. Baptism is the way to tell the world how God has changed your life and that you have made a lifelong decision to commit your life to Him. If you’d like to be baptised at Farnborough on Sunday 11 September then speak to Sonia this Sunday, or fill out this form. For your information the next baptism Sunday after this will be Sunday, 27 November.

Last Sunday we heard from Jacqui who oversees our small groups at Kerith.

Small groups are a vital spiritual foundation of our community, with groups which offer regular fellowship by following the sermon themes or a study course, or focussing on prayer, bible study or worship. There are also groups gathering people around an activity or interest. Since Sunday, have you been considering leading a group this term? If the answer is yes then please complete this small group proposal form or if you have some more questions around leading a group, please get in touch with Jacqui. Perhaps leading a small group isn't for you right now - we'd love to have you join one though - you can see all of the small groups on the Kerith website. Do keep checking back, as more groups will be added over the coming week or so.

A massive thank you to everyone who is leading or hosting a group, as we grow our community that loves God and loves others. 


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