Kerith Community Pantry opens its doors

If you were at church a couple of Sundays ago you would have heard that we very recently launched our Kerith Community Pantry here in Farnborough! This is super exciting as we look to help meet the needs of the local community and offer more opportunities for people to access our building midweek.

The Kerith Community Pantry is open on Mondays (except bank holidays) and Thursdays from 11am until 2pm. Items will vary every week but a variety of fresh vegetables, fruit, chilled, frozen and larder goods are provided as well as toiletries and cleaning products when available. Membership is free and is not means tested and entitles members to visit once a week for just £5 per visit. Members will be given a basket so they can choose the items they want just like they would at a regular shop. There is a limit to the amount of items members can take which will be explained when they visit but the amount they will receive will be worth considerably more than £5 and normally at least £20+ in total.

As membership grows and we develop the pantry further we will look to offer additional ‘wrap around’ support for those that need it via our other Revive projects and in circumstances where we might not be set up to do this, signpost people to other agencies that can.

So whether you would like to come down and use the pantry yourself or just pop down for a tea or coffee and a chat, we would love to see you. Please also let your friends, family, neighbours or anyone else that you think might find the pantry helpful know about it.

If you would like to help support the pantry then you can donate items into our pantry donations trolley on a Sunday or when the pantry is open. Alternatively if you would like to give financially to the work of the pantry you can do so securely here on the Kerith website.

Please do keep the pantry in your prayers. We would particularly appreciate prayer for favour and breakthrough in establishing ourselves within various food networks so that we can start to receive a regular supply of food. Please also pray for wisdom and guidance as we learn along the way in this exciting journey and that the pantry will be a real blessing to people in our local community.

If you are interested in finding our more about the pantry or if you would like to help out in anyway, please get in touch with Andy Barrett at


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