“I’m looking forward to rekindling old relationships and to getting to know people who have joined us during this time.”

As we get ready to meet in person again, we're going find out a bit more about some of the people at Kerith Farnborough. The first person we're going to feature is Sharon Evans. Sharon volunteers one day a week as the Pastoral Co-ordinator for Kerith Farnborough, this is a varied role that includes, listening, prayer, comforting, visiting, provding practical help and signposting people to services that can provide support.

Sharon and her husband Ken joined Kerith Farnborough in March 2019 when the CAP debt centre that Ken works for was adopted by Kerith. Sharon is a professional counsellor currently working in private practice; her journey to become a counsellor began when she attended a prayer ministry training day and sensed God prompting her to be better equipped to support others. Since then she has worked as a counsellor for a Christian counselling agency and in pastoral roles at church.

During the pandemic Sharon has been involved with number of pastoral care initiatives, including Kerith Care which was aimed to look after the most vulnerable in our community, sending greetings cards to all everyone in the church, and meeting with people new to Kerith Farnborough where it was possible.

What about the future? Sharon says "Much of my work has so far been carried out remotely. With the opening of our new building I’m looking forward to rekindling old relationships and to getting to know people who have joined us during this time. It’s my hope that we will all feel at home in our new building and enjoy growing a community together. I’m eager to find out what God has in store for us in this next season. "


Meet…Gary Scull


Our New Site Co-ordinator