Our New Site Co-ordinator

Many of you will know that over the summer, we were recruiting a Farnborough Co-ordinator to help run our Sundays and events, and we are thrilled to announce that James Hopkin is stepping into that role and joining the team.

James is a Communications Manager at the House of Commons currently managing comms for some of their building refurbishments and will be joining the Kerith Team on top of his current House of Commons responsibilities. He is married to Sonia and has 4 children: Hudson, Tilly, Kit and Elwood. A familiar face to many, he has been involved with a whole breadth of areas in church life running life groups, leading Kerith Kids, hosting on the platform on Sundays, editing LINK magazine, leading Farnborough comms, driving vans, and setting up and down on Sundays to name a few!

James will work with Heather, our Site Pastor, and with the Host Teams to support the running of Sundays and help get us up and running in our new building.

We are really thrilled to have James as part of our team! He is someone who already has a great relationship with many of our volunteers, has vital skills that can help us in engaging our community in our building project, and is someone we’ve seen serve wholeheartedly across a broad range of church areas embodying our vision as a church.

James is a friend to many of us already but if you’ve not yet met him, do introduce yourself and say hello!


Meet…Sharon Evans


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