Small groups, big prayers and Wildfires!

Small groups at Kerith

Our new term of small groups and courses are starting at the moment. Joining one of these is a great way to get to know people from our community outside of Sundays, and it’s also a great way to go deeper in our relationship with God. If you haven’t already had chance, why not check out what’s on offer this term and sign up to one by clicking here!


Prayer at Kerith

We believe that prayer is central to our relationship with God. When we pray we believe God listens and we have so many wonderful testimonies of answered prayer, that if I shared them all here, you would be reading this blog for a very long time!

As well as nurturing our own personal prayer lives, we love to gather together to share in times of corporate prayer. We have some One Church prayer meetings where we gather on Zoom and these are usually led by our Senior Pastor Simon Benham. You can read more about these here.

 We also have some site prayer gatherings, and in Kerith Farnborough we often host these on Sunday evenings. Given that this Sunday is a bank holiday weekend, rather than ask people to come out again in the evening we thought we would gather to pray after the morning meeting. We’ll head to our new community lounge space for 11.45am to pray there; keep walking past the coffee area and you will find it! Who knows – if there are enough of us, we may need to come back to the auditorium for more space!

We also have prayer cards available every week at church – whether it’s to share a prayer request and have our team pray for you, or to share testimony of answered prayer – please do use these and post them in the box at the info point.



Lastly, if you are planning on attending Wildfires Festival this year and are already booked in, you will have received an email from us about a church-wide Zoom call next Tuesday 9th May. We thought that it would also be good to see who else is coming from Kerith Farnborough this year, whether you’re coming for the whole time or a day trip; staying off site or braving it camping! So after our Sunday morning meeting on 14th May, let’s gather from 11.40am -12 noon around the tables just off the auditorium to meet one another. Of course if you are still considering attending as a last minute sign up, you are also very welcome to come along also – it may just persuade you to come along!


Building fund


Kerith Farnborough: the story so far