If you were with us last Sunday you will have heard us speak about the new term of small groups and courses in Kerith Farnborough that will begin in a couple of weeks.

We follow a termly rhythm with our small groups, which means people don’t have to sign up to a long term commitment, either as a leader or a member of a small group or course. This means people can move around groups, meeting different people from church, or easily take a break when needing to.

Small groups and courses are a fantastic way to build relationships within church, getting to know people outside of the normal Sunday morning meetings. This coming term is a really good opportunity to enjoy the warmer weather and longer days and perhaps venture out in the evenings or meet up socially in addition to our weekly meetings.

Could you run a group this term perhaps? Perhaps by leading or assisting in one, or hosting one in your home? We would love to have many groups running so we can create more spaces for people to find their way back to God – which is Kerith’s mission.

We hope to have some of our growth track courses running this term, or you may wish to form an interest group or follow a set Bible study. There is also option to link to our Sunday content - we are continuing our Pilgrimage theme for 2023 and preaching about the "Songs of Ascent" Psalms from this weekend. We have some small group resources that we can recommend for leaders if you want to follow the series with your small group.

If you are planning to run a group and know your plans, day, or time, then please go to the small group webpage and fill in the form so we can advertise this.

If you have already signed up to lead a group, or are still thinking about leading one, we would love to invite you to join us on Wednesday 26 April at 8 pm at Kerith Farnborough. We will meet together, share our plans for the term and pray for each other and our people at Farnborough. Come and find out more about leading a small group! Contact Jacqui Webber-Gant if you would like more information.

We would encourage you all to keep an eye on the small groups page on Kerith’s website over the next couple of weeks as the groups and courses are added there, and consider which one you will sign up to.


Kerith Farnborough: the story so far


Kintsugi Hope wellbeing group