Small groups - with big connections!

When we first arrived at Kerith, we tried to make connections after the Sunday meetings to get to know people better. Everyone was really welcoming, but it was a bit tricky having incomplete and snatched conversations! We knew we needed to go ‘all in’ to build relationships and feel at home and so decided we would do three things; we would make attending on Sundays a priority, we would sign up to serve in a team, and we would join a small group.

I’m so grateful that our small group leaders Ben and Anna opened up their home to us in those early months. We were able to get to know people, to make some firm friendships. There was a lot of laughter and even sometimes some tears, as we shared the ups and downs of life together. We met weekly to delve deeper into the word of God and had the opportunity to pray for one another and celebrate answered prayers.

Well, it’s nearly time for our new term of small groups to launch and I’m so grateful to all those who open up their homes, give of their time to create spaces for people to go deeper with God, and deeper in connection with one another. We would love to create more of these spaces so that everyone who wants to join one finds a group that works for them.

Coming to church on a Sunday is an important part of our faith experience, but so is building relationships in a small group setting. Meeting regularly, chatting through the Sunday sermon and how it applies to your life may be one expression of a small group. For others, getting stuck into studying a book of the bible with others is something really valuable, or there are various different courses and a range of resources on our website with ideas for small group content. Why not take a look here.

Our small groups and courses are mainly led by volunteers. Some host them in their homes, some meet at our building and some meet virtually over Zoom. Some are in the daytime, some are in the evening; many are weekly, some may be less regular. Previous groups have been attached to a common interest like crafting, running, or praying while walking the dog!

If you'd call Kerith your home and you haven't yet been able to find a group that suits your needs then perhaps it's time to lead one! Pair up with a friend to co-lead. Or, perhaps you've seen the benefits of being in a small group community over recent years and are feeling the nudge to 'give back' and multiply, by making space for others this term.

We only ask our leaders to sign up for a term at a time, so why not give it a go - you can complete a small group proposal form here.

Without Ben and Anna making space for people in their small group, who knows if we would find ourselves as ‘at home’ here at Kerith as we do now. You may just be the person who could do that for someone else!

Sonia Hopkin

Kerith Farnborough Site Pastor


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