Sparkly toilets and clear floors

Yesterday, a group of 10 of us got to work to clean the toilets, remove the old soft play flooring, and tackle more weeds at Caroline House. As you can see from the pictures, the toilets were in quite a state - well done to Robin, Diane, Anne, and Jackie for their elbow grease in tackling the limescale and many years of built-up grime! The toilets are now ready to be painted for a re-fresh (I’m not sure we’ll be keeping the egg yolk yellow…!)

Jonathan, Ian and Ralph completed the backbreaking work of removing all the flooring from the building - the rolls were incredibly heavy and we now have a clear space to be able to complete some of the more structural work in the building. Thank you Ken for your excellent soft-play netting management!

Anyone who has visited Caroline House will remember how uneven the carpark is. We are therefore looking into getting the car park resurfaced so need to clear all the weeds from the area. Steve and Mark did a great job removing the weeds that were left from our last work party to help prepare for this.

We are currently putting together a proposed timeline of the work that needs to be done which we hope to have completed in the next few weeks after various parties have returned from their holiday. This involves talking to all the contractors as a lot of the jobs will be dependent and affected by other works taking place. Once this is completed we hope to be able to communicate when we will be able to launch Sundays at Farnborough and put together a plan for how we might gather together in the interim.

In the meantime, do join us at next week’s working party on Wednesday 25th August when we’ll be dismantling the soft play remaining in the building and finishing off weeding in the car park. You can sign up here.

Also, please be praying for wisdom in conversations in getting the “mechanics” of the building fixed (roofing, heating, soundproofing and insulation), as these will be vital to getting the building up and running.

Have a great week,





Workforce Wednesdays