Kids & Youth, Christmas & New Year plans

Greetings friends,

I'm praying for you this week and hoping to see you soon, perhaps on Sunday morning? Before I share some news, take a minute if you can to reflect on 1 Peter 1:3:

'Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.' AMEN!

Kids and Youth

Ken, one of our elders, spoke a word over us as a site that we would grow through increasing numbers of children and young people joining us. I would love to see this happen, and for them to bring their parents and carers along too!

We now have enough team that from February, we can have Kerith Kids on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month :)

Please consider whether you could help us too - it would be great to split the group so we have younger (3-8) and older (9-13) groups meeting on those Sundays, and eventually meeting every week.

Christmas & New Year plans - dates for your diary

5th December
Simon is speaking as we start our Christmas series, get ready to sing a carol!

12th December
Chris is preaching and we may push it all the way to two carols...

19th December
There is no morning meeting, because...
We have family carols at 4pm and evening carols at 6:30pm :)

Find out more and book in here - if you can, please go for the evening carols as the family one is already filling up.

Saturday 25th December - 10am
We'll have a short meeting to celebrate Christmas Day together. In 2019, this was one of my highlights of the year, so join us if you can! We'll have fun, sing a couple of carols and hear a (very) short message.

Sunday 26th December - NO MEETING

Sunday 2nd January - ONLINE ONLY
Head to our website or our YouTube channel to meet virtually (don't go to the hall).

Sunday 9th January - back to the usual pattern

Kerith Kids will start again on 16th January, and then from February will be the on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.

Let's be praying for all of these things. For growing numbers of kids and youth, a growing team to help them grow in their faith and meetings where we encounter God as a family.

Blessings to you all,


Covid precautions update


Looking ahead (including CHRISTMAS!) and WWCYP update