You are a priest! Plus Sundays and Baptisms

Hi friends,

It was great to see lots of you yesterday, meeting outdoors is fun! Simon shared a message about each of us being priests to the people we see during the week. You can catch the online version here.

We were encouraged to show hospitality, use our gifts to serve others and be a force for love in our communities.


We have a provisional plan to have a baptism Sunday on 12th September. If you, or anyone you know, is considering getting baptised please get in touch as I would love to chat to you about that. Email me or have a chat with me on a Sunday.

We setup a hot tub in the car park (it's OK, Dan tested it for us a few months ago to make sure it's all working!) and, having enjoyed doing our meetings outside, we might do the whole Sunday there if the weather allows :)


11th July - We're back inside and I'll be speaking about discipleship as we continue our Ekklesia series, sign up here

18th July - The plan is to be outside again and Chris is speaking on worship, sign up here. 

25th July - This is likely to be a Sunday with fewer restrictions! We'll update you when we know the plan, the places of worship guidance is normally updated 2-3 days after the 'big' announcement. 

As things become less restricted please do share any concerns you have. We always want people to feel safe and comfortable, so if you would prefer to do something like socially distance even if we don't have to by law, that is fine. There is plenty of space in the hall. 

We might start to offer refreshments from this date, possibly a more a limited selection than before, but definitely including tea and coffee! 

Have a great week, hope to see you soon. 

Blessings, Ben


Another step towards 'normal', a BBQ and Cafe...


Revive Cafe and Ekklesia