Advent Daily Devotional - Day 14

Luke 2:21 

 On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise the child, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he was conceived. 


In Jewish tradition, baby boys are named on the eighth day of their lives during their circumcision. For Jesus, what we read in Luke 2:21 is entirely normal and expected. 

Names have always carried significance historically, and still today. Perhaps you were named after someone important in your family, or the meaning of your name held special significance to your parents. Many of us know the story and meaning of our names, and these stories often remain with us and - at times - even shape our identities. 

In the Christmas story, the significance of Jesus’ name is extraordinary. Although being named and circumcised on the eighth day followed Jewish tradition, the naming of Jesus transcended tradition. 

Before His birth, Jesus’ name was divinely chosen. An angel told Joseph, “You are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). The name ‘Jesus’ derives from the Hebrew ‘Yeshua,’ a shortened form of ‘Yehoshua,’ meaning “Yahweh is salvation” or “The Lord saves.” 

Wherever Jesus went during his 30+ years on Earth, He carried the truth of His name. Everything He did pointed to Himself as ‘The Way, The Truth, and the Life’. Jesus fully embodied the meaning of His name, bringing salvation to all who followed Him. It was (and continues to be) His identity. 

Today, the name of Jesus continues to hold power. We sing His name in worship, pray in His name, and witness lives transformed through Him. His name is a beacon of hope and light, shaping our identities and reminding us of God’s salvation. 

This Advent, and even right now, take time to reflect on the name of Jesus. His name wasn’t just significant 2,000 years ago—it remains the foundation of our faith today. 



  • As you go through your day, and in the coming days of Advent, commit to speaking the name of Jesus over your circumstances. Commit to regularly speaking His name in your life. 

  • What elements of your life shape your identity most? How might your life be impacted by allowing Jesus to shape your identity?  

Today's devotional was written by Ben Pocock.


Advent Daily Devotional - Day 15


Advent Daily Devotional - Day 13