Pentecost and Board Games…

Dear friends, 

Hope you are doing well. It was great to see so many of you on Sunday and if you couldn't make it, we'd love to see you this week for...

Pentecost part 2

I preached on Acts 2 last Sunday, the Holy Spirit coming at Pentecost. The focus was the build up to this event and acknowledging the importance of what has gone before. We prayed for the Holy Spirit to come and had a powerful time together. 

The joy of Pentecost is that the Holy Spirit is available to anyone, anytime, any place. You can pray for it RIGHT NOW! 

This Sunday coming the focus will be the impact of Pentecost and what came afterwards. Have a read of Acts 2 and get excited about the amazing things that happen when the Spirit moves! 

Because of the cross, we all have the authority to pray 'Holy Spirit come' and God speaks to ALL of us. So, this Sunday or any other, if you feel you have something you'd like to share, here's how we do it at Kerith:

Humble - 'I think...' rather than just 'God is saying...'; keep it gentle. 
Biblical - If what you want to share follows a biblical principle, go for it! If it goes against a biblical principle, then please continue praying about it. If you're not sure, check with someone else. 
Encouraging - Let's keep it positive. If it's not encouraging, again please check with someone. 

If it's for one person, speak to them at an appropriate time, with someone else if you don't know them very well or you think that would make it more comfortable. You can also pass it on to me or Dan if you would find that easier. 

If you believe you have something for the whole congregation, approach the person leading the meeting, myself or Dan. They will have said hello at the start (it's often me or Dan anyway). They will use their best judgement to decide what to do - leave it, share it themselves, or ask you to share it. 

This applies EVERY Sunday, and during the week too - so keep praying, and be open to what God is doing. 

Bring & Share Lunch PLUS Board Games

After the meeting on Sunday we'd love you to hang out with us for lunch and games. Bring some lunch and if you can, a bit extra to share. If you have any board games you want to play, bring them too! Who could you invite? 

Prayer and Worship Night - 26th June, 8pm

One more date for your diary. Join us in the office (upstairs in the hall - if you're not sure, ask on a Sunday) for a time of prayer and worship. 

Have a great week. 

Blessings, Ben


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Prayer meeting and a BBQ