Wildfires Festival

Over the past 4 years Kerith has been loving the opportunity to pack our tents or caravans and jump in our cars heading for the rolling hills of West Sussex for the WILDFIRES Festival ( we don’t talk about those who have booked Air bnbs!). Gathering with brilliant friends from 24/7 Parayer, Emmaus Rd, Glo Gen, KXC, Gas St and this year teaming up with our Hampshire buddies at Sim Dendy’s Freedom Church to experience God together- CAMP FIRE - HOLY FIRE - WILD FIRE

Wildfires Online 2021 is FREE but you need to book to get a link to the event and only running from Sunday evening 30th through the day on Monday and finishing Monday evening. 36 hours of great content, with loads of breaks for some community fun!

WHEN?  Sunday Night 30th & Monday 31st May 2021 (bank holiday)


Sunday Night 
8-9:30pm Adult and Youth programmes online
Bank Holiday Monday 
Morning Adult/Kids/Youth session Check programme for timings

Afternoon Labs / Kids sessions Check programme for timings

Evening Adult/Kids/Youth session Check programme for timings


Join us every evening at for a time of worship, keynotes from special guests, interviews, prophetic word and more all hosted live from St Luke’s Gas ST Church in Birmingham. And in the afternoon on the Monday we have really thought-provoking interactive LAB sessions on Zoom from Wildfires contributors delving deeper into how we can take the wildfire of the Holy Spirit back to our homes, communities and nations.


The Wildfires Kids team will be joining together on Monday 31st for exciting, interactive sessions. Including worship, games, craft, storytelling and a Praise party. To find all you need please head to the Kids Online Page


We have 3 exciting main sessions this year which will be jam-packed full of worship, fun, special guests, interviews and time to encounter God together. We will be kicking off on Sunday 30th in the evening (8pm) and then will have a morning (10:30am) and an evening session (8pm) on Monday 31st. More info here.


A massive highlight of camping as a Kerith family is spending time together in our Village Tent (it’s where coffee is on tap!)
So our Kerith Wildfires team wanted to make sure there were 'touchpoints' during the Wildfires event for our own community to gather and share. These moments are all optional- but we are hoping they will have a mix of fun and games and opportunities to share what God has been saying to you.

Sites will be thinking up community points so keep an eye for further news, you can plan to meet up with another family or friends ( follow government guidelines)

BUT in true Wildfires Campfire style we are going to get together with Freedom Church in Romsey for a PRE /POST Zoom Campfire session- no limitations on numbers with this so PERFECT!

7:15- 7:45pm Village Tent: Daily Round-Up
This is the FUN pre diner drinks time for our community as we gather with Freedom church for quiz’s, campfire songs challenges and time to settle into our seats for the min event at 8pm!

9:30- 10pm Village Campfire : After Hours Hot Chocolate and Chat
It's going to be late! But we know that after a meeting its great to process with friends, share what God has been saying to you. We'll leave these times open for spontaneous moments... maybe more prayer... or maybe more campfire songs!! Bring along hot chocolate and a blanket!


For security reasons, we are going to post Wildfires updates and the Zoom links to the Kerith Village Tent Events in a closed Kerith WIldfires Village Tent Facebook Group.
The group will be a great way to interact, you can upload photos of what you’ve been up to in the day comment during the Wildfires live feed and send info all without filling up your emails!
For anyone not wanting/able to access Facebook please email beccy.oliver@kerith.church for the Zoom link.



Update on Kerith Windsor building


REAL at Home