It’s Monique everyone!

“Hi everyone, my name's Monique, Kids Coordinator of our Bracknell site.”

Just thought I would share a good news story on this blog today. We are seeing real growth in our Kids & Family Ministries in Bracknell which has been an exciting time for everyone, including our groups during the week. It has been SO good to see Kids embracing their love for Jesus and generating those encounters with the Holy Spirit. Kids are engaging in prayer, worship and responding to the sessions led by our fantastic Kids Team on Sundays.

We have a lot of exciting opportunities for people of all ages to get involved in. Kids events don't only take place on a Sunday, we have our preschool and toddler groups; Sparklers on a Monday morning and Who Let the Dads Out? is once a month on a Saturday. We are welcoming more and more people into our community through these groups and we would love for more adults to volunteer and serve in our teams, to really expand our church family and help people find their way back to God. If you are interested in joining any of our teams, including Sundays, please do get in touch as we want to continue building community and relationships within our church family. 

We also have an Easter Eggstravaganza happening on Saturday, April 16th. It's going to be a fun event for kids and parents to have a bundle of Easter fun and hear the gospel. It would be great to have more sign up for volunteers as we would love for you to be part of this Eggstravagant event. So, if you are safely recruited with Kerith, excellent - and if not, we would still love to have you on board with set up/set down and a nice catch-up. You can sign up on ChurchSuite, or if you want to come along to the event, details will be up on our website soon.  

If you are interested in any of the above, please contact me on  


God Bless!  



Lights! Camera! Worship!


Sleeping Bag Appeal for Ukraine