Be part of the Kerith Farnborough choir

Our Kerith Farnborough choir are a fantastic part of our church community, singing at our Chirstmas event and suporting worship last Sunday. Maybe you could get involved too?

The heart behind the choir is to be a place to join together to worship and praise God with whatever voice we've been given, and to create a community of encouragers, welcoming to all. It's not for performance, it's for praise! there's no expectation that you can read music or have any other experience, just a love for singing and worshipping God.

Every other Thursday, starting on 9 March, the choir will meet and worship as part of the worship rehearsal on Thusday evenings. They’ll be looking at other pieces for Easter, and other ways to support worship in church.

Want to find out more? Speak to Ellen Hopkin on Sunday or send her an email, and come along to a choir breakfast at 10am on Saturday 18th March at the Kerith Farnborough building.


Kerith Farnborough Easter events


Kerith Farnborough family news