Change of Use Decision

After much prayer and petition, this week we had it confirmed that we have change of use for our Farnborough Building! This is a huge answer to prayer - thank you so much to everyone who has been praying with us. There are a few more details to share about this, including some restrictions to our usage, but I can share these at a later date.

Our aim for this first phase of the project was to make the space habitable for Sundays and after weeks of works, we think we are nearly there!

On Tuesday, the Kerith Staff Team headed to the building to do a final scrub down and prep for Sunday. We prayed over the spaces, worshipped together, removed excess furniture, set up rooms, cleaned the chairs and put up signage.

We are very close to being able to meet on Sunday, bar a few details that need to be sorted over the next 48 hours. The final fire safety and electrical works are being completed, and we hope all works will then be signed off by Building Control on Friday. With all this in mind, please thank God for all the work done and for the successful change of use application. Please pray that all the works will be finished quickly, and that building control is happy with the safety of the building for us to go ahead with our planning Sunday Gathering.

Please look out for an email on Friday 3rd Dec in the afternoon to let you know whether we are good to go for Sunday. Watch this space…!


Launch Sunday: We’re On!


Meet…Gary Scull