Launch Sunday: We’re On!

Following a meeting with building control today, we have been given the OK to launch this Sunday! Thank you to all who have prayed and for all the team who have worked so hard to get us to this stage. I am so proud of our community and it will be a real milestone to begin meeting in the building!

I wanted to give you an idea of what to expect on Sunday and help people enjoy their experience. Whilst the building is safe to meet in, there are still various snags around the venue so please bear in mind it’s a fixer-upper and we’re still just in phase one of our project which is “getting in the building”! We intend to refine and expand our setup as we get used to gathering in the space.

Here’s all you need to know to help you get the most out of your Sunday,


We currently have one meeting on a Sunday at 10am.


Our building is at 6 Invincible Road, Farnborough, GU14 7QU.


We have a car park with 22 spaces at the venue. The council have asked that we use all spaces in the car park before parking on Invincible Road. Please drive to the venue and look out for our car parkers who will direct you into the car park, or advise you to use the turning circle and park along the road.


Disabled parking is available in the car park. We have a disabled toilet available on the ground level.

Baby Facilities

Our baby facilities are a work in progress. Our hope is to have a space set aside with baby changing facilities, chairs for nursing babies and toys for restless toddlers. These may not be available from week one so we ask for your flexibility as we work towards this.

Children (0-11s)

This week, we’ll start all together in the auditorium and then children will be released to go to their groups after worship. We have fun-filled, age-appropriate groups for all children under 11. Check-in opens 10 minutes before the meetings begin, giving you plenty of time to get them checked in

Age 0-2 - The downstairs kids’ room*

Age 3 - 8 (school Year 3) - The carpeted room at the top of the stairs*

Age 9 -11 (school Year 4- Year 6) - The upstairs room at the end of the corridor*

*We haven’t yet come up with names for these rooms yet - any ideas, send them to!


Before Christmas, our youth will join in with the adult meeting. Our hope is to start Unleashed for 11-14s, after Christmas. Email for more info.


We serve FREE self-service fair trade coffee and a selection of teas throughout our meetings. We encourage you to bring a cup to save the planet but will have disposable cups available too.


We have managed to resurrect the original heating in the building which is a miracle in itself (!) but it isn’t the most effective of systems. The children’s rooms all have working radiators, but the auditorium gets very cold. The building will also be ventilated to minimise Covid risks so please dress warmly and be prepared to remain in your coat!

Health and Safety

There are several out of bounds areas that are not safe and should not be accessed. Please keep an eye on your children before and after the meetings that they are not going in the signposted areas.


We are encouraging everyone who joins us on a Sunday morning to wear a mask while moving around the building unless you are exempt or under the age of 12. Once you are seated, you are welcome to use a mask as you feel comfortable. Where possible, please sit in your household/bubble, leaving empty seats to keep a safe distance from others. We will also aim to have a specific area for those shielding or who would be more comfortable with social distanced seating. If you choose to sit in this section, we will ask you to wear a mask. The building will remain adequately ventilated to and we’ll have a sanitation station in the foyer with masks and gel at our entrances.

After many long months of preparation, we are so looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!


Our First Sunday


Change of Use Decision