On Sunday we heard from Ken Evans about the work of CAP (Christians Against Poverty) in Farnborough. Here’s a bit more from Ken about being a CAP befriender.

 You can find out about Kerith’s Revive ministries on our website.

You may not realise it, but you probably live only a few minutes away from families living in extreme poverty. Our clients often live incredibly isolated lives. They may rarely leave their home, have no money to go out and enjoy themselves and their journey out of debt can often be a very lonely experience. 

I recently visited a client who’s a single Mum with two young children.  She really wants to improve life for herself and her children but is so anxious about her ability to live within a budget.  When I mentioned the possibility of being supported by a befriender, her face just lit up. This is why the support of a befriender is invaluable to our clients. It’s someone who helps them feel that they’re not alone in the world and that their life matters to us and to God.

We have recently taken on an additional 14 clients following the unexpected closure of our sister Debt Centre in St Peter’s Farnborough.  It’s vital that we now expand our befriender team.  You might have a heart to serve but feel that with a couple of kids and a job that you’re already maxed out.  That’s not unusual, the joy of the befriender role is that it’s completely flexible and allows you to commit as little or as much time as you can afford. 

A befriender is someone who accompanies the Debt Centre Manager or Debt Coach to visit clients in their homes and is there to provide ongoing moral support to clients as they work towards their goal of becoming debt free. 

Even if you’re not available to come on visits during the week but feel you could help them in other ways, for example by text or phone, help with shopping, pray with them, invite them for a coffee, then we’d love to hear from you. Whether you’re male, female, working or retired it doesn’t matter. All you need is a heart for serving those struggling with unmanageable debts. 

We’ll be hosting a meet and greet session for existing and new befrienders on Saturday 19 November at 10am. We’ll be putting on tea, coffee and pastries and would love to invite you to join us - email me for the details!

In my four year journey with CAP, I am always saddened to hear and witness the burdens that our clients must carry. As a befriender you will be in a unique position to help them and bring hope into their lives.  We are also privileged to pray with them and share the good news that is Jesus. 

So if you your heart has been stirred by what I’ve shared, then please come to our meet and greet session so you can find out more about the valuable contribution you could make to the work of CAP in our community. 

If you would like to know more about becoming a befriender and are unable to make the event on Saturday 19 November, please contact me. 

Ken Evans, CAP Centre Manager 


An update on our finances


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