Marriage musings!

It was great to meet together on Sunday, where we continued our Next of kin series in the adult meeting at Kerith Farnborough. We started the series a few weeks ago by looking at communication, conflict and connection, and are now onto themes of parenting, marriage, divorce and singleness.

This week our Senior Pastor Simon Benham preached on marriage, looking at Ephesians 5:21-33. Simon is passionate about digging into the difficult passages of Scripture in order to challenge the unspoken norms in church culture and to raise our expectation that the Bible is as relevant in today’s culture as it was 2,000 years ago.

If you wanted to listen again or if you weren’t with us yesterday, Simon recorded his preach for Kerith Online, it’s available here.

In his preach Simon mentioned a couple of resources - a paper he’s written and a book.

Simon’s paper looks at the question: Do the Scriptures teach that husbands should lead and exercise authority over their wives? You can read it here. The book Simon mentioned is Men and Women in Christ: Fresh Light From The Biblical Texts, written by Andrew Bartlett. It’s available on Amazon and from other bookshops.

As Simon said, he’s not telling us what we should think, but is encouraging us to study scripture for ourselves.

For those people who are married, Kerith has access to the HTB Marriage Course. We’d love to encourage you to sign up to this course and work through it in your own time. Click here to find out more and sign up.


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