Creating space for children to encounter God

Our Kids Coordinator Millie wanted to update us on what’s been going on in Kerith Kids lately!

Have you heard how amazing our current series is in Kids church? We are in the middle of doing an awesome series all about how God can speak to us through our senses. We believe God can speak to us all in different ways and getting the children to understand and also experience this, is so important.

The children have loved this series so far, and it has been AMAZING to experience children encountering God each week in different way’s. A firm favourite for me was when we spoke about how God can encounter with us through “hearing”. The children were soaking in God’s presence and as the team were praying over the children, a child experienced God speaking to them for the first time. The child was so excited as they thought they had previously felt God speak to them but they weren’t 100% sure, however this time they were SO sure. Wow - watching a child experience this is so special and the team felt so blessed they could experience this with the child and create a space for this to happen.

We want to regularly create spaces for our children to encounter with God. Lately, our older children in the Sprint group (for school years 4-6) have been massively hungry to find out more about Him.

As you may realise, our youth have just moved into the newly refurbished space downstairs for their Sunday gatherings, rather than having to share and alternate a room with the Sprint children every other week.  This now means that we have a empty room upstairs two Sundays out of four, and our Sprint children could meet as a group in there weekly! Of course, that means we need more volunteers for this team in order for this to happen. Did you know that if you serve in this group, not only will be able to disciple children as they ask the most amazing questions about God, but you will enable spaces for them to encounter Him for themselves. We work to safe adult to child ratios in Kerith Kids, so for every adult that serves in this group, it makes space for eight children to gather in kids church. The more adults we have, the more children we can welcome!

If you want to experience children encounter with God and play a part in our next generation knowing Him, then please do reach out to me. You don’t necessarily need to have loads of (or any!) experience – if you love Jesus and you love making space for people to know Him, then you could be the very person we need. It would be a huge blessing to me and our church families to have you on the kids team.

As well as seeing Children encounter with God, we have so much fun doing crafts, playing games, laughing and of course eating biscuits. If you think you could help in any way with kids church then please do get in touch.

Lastly – thank you for how you as a church family cover our children in prayer. Let’s be praying for more encounters with Him for our children, for them to deepen their experiences with Him and for Him to continue to speak to - and through - our Kerith Kids.

Speak to Millie at church on a Sunday or email her:


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