Explore life, faith and meaning at Alpha

Over the past few months we have welcomed so many faces into our buildings – familiar faces (we won’t say ‘old’!) and also many new faces. It’s been so great to blend together as a new church family in our new building, and every week we are welcoming new people to our Sunday meetings.

Many of you have joined us and are already cemented in your faith journey with Jesus. Some of you are still exploring what it is you believe – we want you to know you ALL belong, the moment you step through the doors!

If you still have questions about faith – those ones you have always wanted to ask, but never found the right moment – then perhaps Alpha is for you? Alpha is a course exploring the big questions of the Christian faith. It’s a really safe space to have conversations and ask those questions about life, faith, and meaning. You can sign up here: Alpha Farnborough.

Perhaps you don’t personally have those questions, but know someone who you could invite to an Alpha course? We would love you to be thinking and praying about who you could ask.

We are hosting our Farnborough Alpha course on Mondays, starting 10 October, over at Compassion House in Fleet. We will share together over food, watch a video and then have chance to discuss what we’ve seen. Please be praying for the course and considering if you would like to attend – or be praying if there’s a friend you could invite – and of course, if you’d like to serve at it, we still need a couple more people to help!

Please do email ken.evans@kerith.church if you would like to be involved, or have any questions about the course.


Marriage musings!


Kerith Farnborough pastoral team and prayer request cards