Kerith Farnborough pastoral team and prayer request cards

We are pleased to announce that a new team of pastoral volunteers will be rolling in to action over the coming weeks. One of the team will be available during the Sunday meeting each week to offer pastoral support. So, if you feel that you would benefit from a listening ear or some individual prayer, do look out for Sharon Klitgaard, Jo Bristow, Charles Ravenhill or Sharon Simpson or ask for an introduction to one of them at the info point.   

We love to pray for each other and we have many opportunities to do this at our Sunday meetings. But, what if you would also like a dedicated prayer team to be praying for you during the week? The answer is to fill in a prayer request card, which is available from the info point. The blue side of the card is for prayer requests. No request is too big or too small and by completing a prayer request card (and handing it in at the info point), you will know that a team of people are praying for you. We also love to hear answers to prayer and you can share these by filling in the orange side of the card and handing it in at the info point. We may read out requests and pray together as a community on Sundays, so please do tick the box on the card if you would like your request to remain confidential and stay within the pastoral team only.   

Read more about prayer on the Kerith website:


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