February roundup

The start of 2023 feels like a long time ago, so as we are in a new month we thought it may be helpful to know everything that’s taking place at Kerith Farnborough in February. As ever, there is a lot going on in the life of our church!

Sunday 5 February – Stay for lunch and prayer meeting

Bring a packed lunch and stay after the meeting to build community with others from our church. There will be some board games for the children, the downstairs Bounce room will also be open (we’d ask that older children stay downstairs) and there will be an informal quiz for those wanting to take part.

As many of us will be gathered anyway, our site prayer meeting has been moved forward to 1.30pm, to save anyone having to come out again on a cold evening. The next Farnborough prayer meeting will be the first Sunday in March, so get it in your diary now!

 Sunday 12 February, 7.30pm – One Church vision night

Please join us on Zoom for a dynamic, faith-filled hour of vision and prayer, hosted by our Senior Pastor, Simon Benham. This will be a key hour for all in Kerith as we share news from our sites, plans for the Spring and Summer, a finance update, and much more. Please join us if you can.

You should receive the link to join us via a ChurchSuite email nearer the time. If you are unsure if you are on ChurchSuite (also known as MyKerith), then email info@kerith.church who will be able to help.

Sundays 5 and 12 February – Celebration Fund gift days

We are excited to let you know about a new fund we are setting up and giving towards, called the Celebration Fund. We will hear more at the meetings on these Sundays, and also will be blogging about it next week; watch this space!

From Monday 13 February, 8 to 8:30pm - NEW Weekly Finance Prayer Meeting

We are starting a weekly online prayer meeting led by the elders of the church to pray specifically into issues relating to finance. We’ll be praying for the church finances, as well for God’s provision for individual and community-based circumstances across all of our sites. The Zoom link will be emailed out to everyone on ChurchSuite, but if you aren’t sure you’re on ChurchSuite, or you don’t receive the email, you can message info@kerith.church who can send you the link for these prayer meetings.

 Saturday 18 February, 9.30am to 2.30pm - CAP Money Management course

Whether you feel pretty organized or whether it's like a lucky dip every time you spend money from your account, this money management course is a great way to brush up on your home budget skills. The free course is run over a day, and is especially good for those whose incomes may have been disrupted during this cost of living crisis. This course will help you stay on track. Sign up to this free course on the Kerith website.

 Sunday 26 February – Selah Sunday

As part of our Rule of Life series we are in (find online resources here) we will have a focus on Attentive to Rest and will be having our first Selah Sunday. On this morning we’ll be taking the time away from our usual structure of Sunday gatherings, and instead have a time of unstructured worship, ministry and a chance to hear from God collectively. Come ready to encounter God together. In the evening you’ll be able to watch a message on the Kerith YouTube Channel from our Senior Pastor Simon Benham on the topic of space, rest and rhythm as part of our Rule of Life Series



Kerith Farnborough family news


Introducing our Rule of Life series