Introducing our Rule of Life series

Today we started our first preaching series of 2023 across our Kerith sites, with an introduction to our Rule of Life series.

What is a Rule of Life? It’s a set of rhythms that help us create space in our busy lives to become like Jesus and focus on His priorities for our lives. A rule of life points us in the right way, it supports us on the journey, and it gives support so that we can grow the right way and be fruitful. It takes seriously the sense that we live best in healthy rhythms, rather than in overbusyness or in chaos.

It positions us to receive the love of God and to give it away to others.

Perhaps you couldn’t join us today in person – well, you can catch up with this morning, or indeed any of our Farnborough preaches on your usual podcast platform - just search for “Kerith Farnborough”. Of course we also have our amazing Kerith Online weekly meeting which is on our Kerith Youtube channel. It won’t always been exactly the same message we’ve heard in person in Farnborough, but there is always a new preach to watch, and when we are in a series such as we are now, it helps to ‘catch up’ with the weeks we have missed.

In his message this morning, Calum mentioned the workbook we have to accompany this series - it’s great for reflecting and journaling with God. Your small group may be using it when you gather, but it’s for all to access and can be found on the Kerith website.

Tonight, over on our central Kerith Community Church Facebook page, you can join Heather in conversation with Jill Weber of 24-7 Prayer, as they delve a little deeper. It’ll go live at 8pm and you can ask questions in the chat if you are watching live. It will of course also be available afterwards on our YouTube channel if you wish to watch on catch up.

We are praying this series will be a blessing to God firstly, and in turn to each of us, as we focus our lives more fully on Him.

Romans 12:1-2

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.


February roundup


Building fund and next steps