Sunday 13th March: Farnborough in-person meeting cancelled

We’re really sad to let you know that tomorrow’s (Sunday 13th March) in-person gathering in Farnborough is having to be cancelled.

Last week we discovered a leak in our roof that led to the flooding of both an upstairs kids room and the downstairs auditorium that led to us cancelling last Sunday’s meeting. We put in a temporary solution aiming to stop future leaks ahead of a larger-scale roof rebuild in the future. Sadly, this solution didn’t work as on Friday night the rains came again, and once again the auditorium leaked as more water poured into the building. With the likelihood of further rain over Saturday and into Sunday morning, we understand that it would not be safe for us to have a large collection of people in the building this weekend. Therefore we’ve had to cancel the in-person meeting on Sunday, and we will be re-arranging our first ever baptisms in the building to be an alternative Sunday soon.

This weekend we were due to be baptising four people, and hearing a message from the CAP Debt Centre Manager Ken Evans. As an alternative to us meeting in Farnborough in-person I can suggest two alternative options:

Why not attend our Bracknell site on Sunday, where there will be baptisms and our Executive Pastor Ben Oliver will be preaching.


Ken Evans from our Farnborough community is speaking for our Kerith Online meeting this Sunday, starting at 10am on the Kerith YouTube Channel and church website.

This coming week our Site Services team will be making the issue a priority in order to try make the building safe to meet in next weekend.

Let’s be praying for a few things:

  1. For our Site Services team as they work on this issue over the coming week.

  2. For the rain to stop so next weekend we have a dry one!

  3. Ask God for finances – for both the short term and long term solutions in making the building a great safe space for us to meet in.


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We’re back this Sunday!