We’re back this Sunday!

I heard the wonderful news yesterday that the leak has been fixed and the building is ready to be used for Sunday. Our site services team have been working hard with a team of roofers and found a fracture in an internal gutter in the ceiling above the Sprint room. They have completed a temporary fix  and managed to repair the leak, but are going to do a full investigation and repair all the leaks in the roof over the coming weeks (including the one that leaves Dave, our keyboardist, frequently playing in a puddle!) Needless to say, we’re able to meet on Sunday, and we have a jam-packed day prepared.

We have our first ever baptisms in our Farnborough community planned with 4 people signed up to share their stories and be baptised. We are so excited to celebrate with them as they take this step of faith and are praying that these will be the first of thousands of baptisms we see in our building!

We also have Ken Evans, our CAP Centre Manager, preaching and sharing the vision for our Revive ministries in Farnborough. We’re thrilled that our work in the building is going to create space to host projects which will support anyone in our local communities that may be facing difficult circumstances. I’ve been in discussion with our Revive teams talking about ideas of hosting hubs and cafes, food pantries, job clubs, addiction release groups and more! We’re excited to see how these are going to grow.

With the repairs now needed in the roof, our giftday has become even more vital! Last week was due to be our final week, but we’ll have a “rolled over” opportunity to give to our Gift Days, where we’re raising to repair the roof, to make space to run our planned Revive projects, make space for youth gatherings each week and make some vital improvements in some of the more run-down areas of the building. If you want more information about our plans, check out the previous blog. And if you’ve not yet taken the opportunity to the give to the giftdays and would like to, you can give via this link.

On Sunday night, we’ll be meeting as a whole church family for a Vision Night hosted by our Senior Pastor Simon Benham. Join us online at 7.30pm for a great opportunity to get to hear about our church finances and the latest on the building projects as well as what's next for church online! We will spend time praying over these plans to expand the work of Kerith into physical and digital spaces. You should receive the link to join us via a Churchsuite email. If you have any issues, please email us.

It’s an exciting Sunday planned and we’ll see you then!


Sunday 13th March: Farnborough in-person meeting cancelled


No Physical Gathering This Sunday