Stepping up…

It was so great to have Andy Partington with us yesterday at Kerith Farnborough. I have been reflecting on his message ever since, which was rich with wisdom and much to consider.

I wonder if, like me, you’ve been asking yourself – am I stepping up, even when I feel like stepping down?

Are you making yourself available for God? Or, like Saul, are you stuck under a pomegranate tree?

Do you have the faith required to be bold and step out? Or, are you afraid to start, because you don’t have everything in place to finish?

Do you have the courage to be available and step out in faith? Is God stirring something in your heart where you need to ask Him for courage?

I’m sure God spoke to us all in the ways we needed - I’d encourage us all to keep accountable by sharing with someone if God did challenge you in something specific.

As well as being inspired by his message, I am also inspired by the life of Andy, Mickey and their whole family. Seven years ago they moved to Bolivia to launch Novo Communities and they have seen God release people from addictions and many lives transformed.

As Andy shared, the family are now in a season of transition as they have felt God’s call on their life to move to Nicaragua. They don’t know yet what this will look like in its entirety! But they are making themselves available for God, have the faith He will provide and guide them and certainly have buckets of courage!

Please do be praying for the Partington family. Perhaps you’d like to link in with Novo by signing up for regular updates, committing to pray for them - or maybe you are in position to bless them financially, either as a one off or by regularly giving. Head over to their website to find out more about them:

We aren’t all in a position to move across the world in mission, but we can support the Partingtons from afar! And even if we are staying local - God still has plenty for us to get involved in. I’d be really excited to hear from you if you’ve been prompted to ‘step up’!

Sonia Hopkin Interim Site Pastor


Building update - can you help?


Farnborough summer picnic