Farnborough summer picnic

For those of us who recently attended Wildfires, one of the highlights was spending time with others from our community. I personally loved conversations around the campfire, sat around chatting during the afternoons while people of all ages played rounders, kids were sat playing board games with adults, youth hanging out together (and entertaining the young kids!) – so many amazing conversations were had. I feel a new depth of relationship for having spent a longer time with my church family.

We of course get to do this in Farnborough on Sundays, and in our small groups and courses. However with different serving responsibilities, and everyone we need to catch quickly on a Sunday – it’s not always easy to get to know each other, is it?

I love the buzz around coffee time before and after the meeting, but the time passes quickly, as we all leave to go home for lunch in our own homes.

So we thought - let’s create more opportunity to rekindle old friendships, chat to that person we’ve been wanting to chat to for a while, and share life together - while having fun!

On Sunday 10 July we thought we’d head over to the King George V Playing Fields in Farnborough straight after our morning meeting. Why not come along with a picnic, bring a chair if you have or need one – there may even be a game of rounders for those wanting to do that – but this is an event for all ages to mix together, to spend time with our church family and build on old friendships as well as make new ones.


We hope you can make it – if you can’t make this one, we’ll do more gatherings soon to build community, so look out for the next one.

Sonia Hopkin
Interim Kerith Farnborough Site Pastor/Families Lead


Stepping up…


Kerith Youth Summer Sanctuary sponsorship