Ukraine Response: Prayer & Practical

Pray for Ukraine

This week marked the beginning of Lent in the church calendar, and on Ash Wednesday this week (2nd March) many of us will have participated with Pope Francis and the Archbishops of Canterbury and York’s in their call for a day of prayer and fasting for peace in Ukraine. Let’s continue praying for breakthrough in the situation, and if you’d like some resources in how to pray, 24/7 Prayer have created some great resources to help.

Donate Sleeping Bags

There are also some practical ways in which we can help those in Ukraine. Marta is Ukrainian, is a wonderful member of our community in Bracknell, and has friends and family in Ukraine. Her friends Katia & Sergiy lead Assembly of God church in Lutsk which is situated in the West of the country where many refugees are fleeing to. We’d love to support this church community by providing as many sleeping bags as we can BY THIS SUNDAY (March 6th) to send to the church.

Sleeping bags can be new, or used and washed, and can be dropped off at the Farnborough, Windsor or Bracknell site at church on Sunday, or dropped off at the Bracknell office (Kerith Bracknell, Church Rd, RG12 1EH) between 10-3pm this week. It’s also possible to get an Amazon delivery or other means to Kerith Bracknell, Church Rd, RG12 1EH (they would need to arrive before Monday to ensure they make the shipment to Ukraine!).

We also need people to help pack them up on Sunday - sign up to help via this button.

Special Offer on Sleeping Bags for Kerith Community

A member of our Windsor congregation knows the owner of Highlander who specialise in camping equipment.

They have kindly offered to make a donation and provided our church community with a 35% discount on sleeping bags. They will prioritise all our orders to be at The Kerith Centre in Bracknell by Monday. To take advantage of this offer please follow these instructions

• Visit -

• Create an account either from the beginning or at the time of check out

• Add the following voucher code at checkout which will give 35% off everything - “35-PER-OFF-KERITH”

• For delivery address please use: The Kerith Centre, Church Road, Bracknell, RG12 1EH and they will internally collate & send the orders.

• Please pass this onto all church members, family & friends

Sleeping Bag appeal for Ukraine


No Physical Gathering This Sunday


Get Baptised at Farnborough: 13 March