Kerith Farnborough update.

Here’s a message from Catrina Benham, Kerith’s Sites Director.

Many of you will already be aware of Ben and Heather Pocock’s recent sad news. For those of you who haven’t, here are a few words from them: “We’ve had some sad news in our house. We had a 21-week scan for the baby we were expecting in the summer and sadly they couldn’t find a heartbeat. I was admitted to the hospital and induced and we got to meet our tiny boy, Theodore, who was perfectly formed but had gone to be with Jesus. We're muddling through the physical recovery and emotional impact but grateful for all the support we’re receiving.”

I know that you, like me and the rest of the Kerith Office team are broken hearted for them and their families. We pray for ‘the God of all comfort’ to be close and real to them as they walk this unexpected path together. Please do keep praying, and communicating your love for them in messages. For now, they are resting at home, supporting each other and abiding with God. As they feel able, they will gradually enter back into church life.

Whilst Heather is off work, we have asked Sonia Hopkin to be the Farnborough Interim Site Pastor. This is in addition to her existing role as Families Lead across Kerith. She will, of course have support from me and also from the other site pastors. Having taken a lead over the last couple of Sundays, I’m sure you’ll agree she’s the right person for the role, bringing stability and continuity in Heather’s absence. Please pray for her, support her and for now, go to her as Kerith Farnborough’s point person.

If you have any questions or comments, please do contact me:


Kerith Youth Summer Sanctuary sponsorship


Easter weekend at Kerith Farnborough